Diamond Fluorescence
What is it ?
Fluorescence is the characteristic of a diamond to give off a soft glowing effect when under UV light. About 35% of all diamonds have a degree of fluorescence and it is one of the categories to which all GIA certified diamonds get graded.The following ratings can be given .. none/faint/medium/strong/very strong. A diamond gets fluorescence from various minerals (like nitrogen) that exist within the stone.
Is fluorescence bad?
Fluorescence is simply another characteristic of a stone and is not ‘’bad’’ at all ! In fact, the fluorescence of a stone usually does not even have an effect on the stone. Only under UV light or high energy lighting conditions would the fluorescence be truly noticeable. What little noticeable effect it COULD have on a stone can actually more beneficial than negative . GIA has studied the effects themselves and have concluded that the stones in which fluorescence affected appearance, had a positive effect from it … they were perceived in the study to have a better color appearance than their grade suggested when viewed from the top. For diamonds on the lower color grade (I-N) which had yellow tint , the presence of strong fluorescence was actually to the stone’s benefit .. giving it a better color appearance by canceling out the yellow tones. Research has also shown that it has no impact on the sparkle or shine of the diamond what so ever… how well a diamond sparkles depends most heavily on it’s cut/polish/symmetry/and proportions .. not it’s tendency to fluoresce.
Can it negatively effect appearance though?
In some cases only VERY strong fluorescence in a high color grade stone can cause a hazy appearance .. but this is not common and each diamond’s appearance is judged individually! There can be a high color diamond with strong fluorescence that looks completely the same as if it had none , in normal lighting conditions. Remember .. your perception of a stone as you’re looking at it matters! If you love what you see, there is no reason to be hung up on one characteristic whether that be the exact carat size, the color or the fluorescence.
Are fluorescent diamonds any different physically than non fluorescent?
No .. a diamond with very strong fluorescence has the same durability and structural integrity as a diamond with none.
Are fluorescent diamonds less valuable?
This is a debate depending on different jewelry professionals and the fact remains .. there are some who believe strong fluorescence in high color grades are worth a little less while there are also many who will pay higher prices for fluorescence as it improves the color of a stone. So it is not as simple as yes or no … it really depends on the stone itself and it’s individual appearance ! At the end of the day, every diamond’s value is determined on the combination of characteristics .. not just one characteristic.The presence of fluorescence in a particular stone that enhances it’s beauty can make the stone more valuable while the very rare occurrence of very strong fluorescence effecting the appearance of a stone can make it cost slightly less. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder !
So What does this mean when buying a diamond ?
It is just another factor to consider into all of the others. Fluorescence in some cases can effect a diamonds color (even for better !) but remember .. it has no effect on the clarity, cut, carat, polish, symmetry, sparkle, beauty or anything else. What is most important in the end is that you love the look of the stone , it is GIA certified if you’re opting for a natural diamond and it is in your budget. If you are buying sight unseen .. go to someone you trust who has extensive knowledge in the industry rather than any retail jeweler. As private jewelers who have been in the wholesale industry for over 25 years, we hand pick each stone and will always give you the best options for your budget.
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